



I have been staring at this code all day now, but just can't get it right.

ATM I am just pushing codeblocks around without being able to concentrate anymore, with the due time being within almost an hour... So you guys are my last resort here.

I am supposed to create a few random balls on a canvas, those balls being stored within an ArrayList (I hope an ArrayList is suitable here: the alternative options to choose from were HashSet and HashMap). Now, whatever I do, I get the differently colored balls at the top of my canvas, but they just get stuck there and refuse to move at all. Apart from that I now get a ConcurrentModificationException, when running the code:

at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.checkForComodification(
at java.util.AbstractList$
at BallDemo.bounce(

Line 109 being: bBall.draw();

Reading up on that exception, I found out that one can make sure ArrayList is accessed in a threadsafe manner by somehow synchronizing access. But since I have remember fellow students doing without synchronizing, my guess is, that it would actually be the wrong path to go.

Maybe you guys could help me get this to work, I at least need those stupid balls to move ;-)

 * Simulate random bouncing balls
public void bounce(int count)
    int ground = 400;   // position of the ground line


    // draw the ground
    myCanvas.drawLine(50, ground, 550, ground);

    // Create an ArrayList of type BouncingBalls
    ArrayList<BouncingBall>balls =  new ArrayList<BouncingBall>();

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){
        Random numGen = new Random(); 
        // Creating a random color. 
        Color col = new Color(numGen.nextInt(256), numGen.nextInt(256), numGen.nextInt(256));
        // creating a random x-coordinate for the balls
        int ballXpos = numGen.nextInt(550);

        BouncingBall bBall = new BouncingBall(ballXpos, 80, 20, col, ground, myCanvas);

        // adding balls to the ArrayList
        boolean finished = false;

        for (BouncingBall bBall : balls){



This would be the original unmodified method we got from our teacher, which only creates two balls:

 * Simulate two bouncing balls
public void bounce()
    int ground = 400;   // position of the ground line


    myCanvas.drawLine(50, ground, 550, ground);
    // draw the ground

    // crate and show the balls
    BouncingBall ball = new BouncingBall(50, 50, 16,, ground, myCanvas);
    BouncingBall ball2 = new BouncingBall(70, 80, 20,, ground, myCanvas);

    // make them bounce
    boolean finished =  false;
    while(!finished) {
        myCanvas.wait(50);           // small delay
        // stop once ball has travelled a certain distance on x axis
        if(ball.getXPosition() >= 550 && ball2.getXPosition() >= 550) {
            finished = true;


So I just modified my code as follows

public void bounce(int count)
        int ground = 400;   // position of the ground line


        // draw the ground
        myCanvas.drawLine(50, ground, 550, ground);

        // Create an ArrayList of type BouncingBalls
        ArrayList<BouncingBall>balls =  new ArrayList<BouncingBall>();
        Random numGen = new Random(); 
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){

            // Creating a random color. 
            Color col = new Color(numGen.nextInt(256), numGen.nextInt(256), numGen.nextInt(256));
            // creating a random x-coordinate for the balls
            int ballXpos = numGen.nextInt(550);

            BouncingBall bBall = new BouncingBall(ballXpos, 80, 20, col, ground, myCanvas);

            // adding balls to the ArrayList

            boolean finished = false;
        myCanvas.wait(50);           // small delay

        for(BouncingBall ball : balls)

            // once one ball has travelled the distance, they all have
            if(ball.getXPosition() >= 550)
                finished = true;

    for(BouncingBall ball : balls)

But that only moves the balls very shortly and then creates the same exception as above.


Are you being forced to use ONLY one of those three structures? An ArrayList barfing-out ConcurrentModificationExceptions is pretty much an engraved invitation to try replacing it with a CopyOnWriteArrayList.

He really shouldn't need synchronization for this though, unless I'm missing part of the assignment. He's making an `ArrayList` of sprites and then looping over them repeatedly to move them around; it shouldn't be changing after the initial population
Michael Mrozek
yes, we are only supposed to chose from ArrayList, HashSet and HashMap.
Usually a ConcurrentModificationException is created by modifying a list while you are iterating it and does not imply a multi-threaded environment.
Kathy Van Stone
+3  A: 

You are missing the while(!finished) part.
With the for you are adding you are iterating only once through the balls, that's why you are not seeing them move.

Edit: The new version can be over really soon if the random X position of any ball (between 0 and 550) is near 550.

Guillermo Vasconcelos
hm. it seems I just don't see it right now. Doesn't my first for-loop add the balls to the ArrayList, and shouldn't `for (BouncingBall bBall : balls){ bBall.move(); }` make them move?
The second for loop (the BouncingBall loop) will only move them once and not until they hit the bound.
for (Bouncing bBall: balls) makes them move once, and immediately after they were created so you may not even see the single move.
Kathy Van Stone
@BlairHippo Calling bounce will recreate more balls and go into an infinite recursive loop.
Kathy Van Stone
@Kathy Van Stone, yeah that seems to be exactly the problem now, as I have modified the code after Justin Niessners example.
public void bount(int count)
    int ground = 400;


    myCanvas.drawLine(50, ground, 550, ground);

    ArrayList<BouncingBall> balls =  new ArrayList<BouncingBall>(); 

    for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        // set up colors and position
        BouncingBall newBall = new BouncingBall(ballXpos, 80, 
            20, col, ground, myCanvas);



    boolean finished = false;

        myCanvas.wait(50);           // small delay

        for(BouncingBall ball : balls)

            // once one ball has travelled the distance, they all have
            if(ball.getXPosition() >= 550)
                finished = true;

    for(BouncingBall ball : balls)
Justin Niessner

You should create the Random object before the for loop. see below.This may position your balls correctly

 Random numGen=new Random();

  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){ 
           // Creating a random color.  
    Color col = new Color(numGen.nextInt(256), numGen.nextInt(256), numGen.nextInt(256)); 
    // creating a random x-coordinate for the balls 
    int ballXpos = numGen.nextInt(550); 

    BouncingBall bBall = new BouncingBall(ballXpos, 80
this didn't solve my ConcurrentException-problem though