



I've just installed this plugin, created the migrations, added everything I needed to make it work(I didn't install ImageMagick yet).

The problem is when I get the upload control parameter to save it in my controller, I get something like this:


instead of a simple string, like


And if I try to read it I get the following exception:

TypeError backtrace must be Array of String

What am I doing wrong? How do I read it or simply get rid of the # and <> symbols?


Paperclip defaults to storing uploads in the file system, not the database. Uploads are stored in the public/system directory. Have you checked there?


Robin Fisher
I've changed something and now its saving to the db, but it won't work with styles. I've installed ImageMagick for windows(I've got Windows 7) and when I try to save some photo, having added before this line on the model(right after has_attached_file) :styles => {:thumb=> "100x100#",:small => "150x150>"} it just fails saying " TypeError in ProfilesController#updatebacktrace must be Array of String" Why is that?
Brian Roisentul
Oh, and I think ImageMagick is installed correctly because I tried executing the command prompt commands to test it(I followed a tutorial) and all went fine.
Brian Roisentul