Here's the deal. I have a hash map containing data I call "program codes", it lives in an object, like so:
Class Metadata
private HashMap validProgramCodes;
public HashMap getValidProgramCodes() { return validProgramCodes; }
public void setValidProgramCodes(HashMap h) { validProgramCodes = h; }
I have lots and lots of reader threads each of which will call getValidProgramCodes() once and then use that hashmap as a read-only resource.
So far so good. Here's where we get interesting.
I want to put in a timer which every so often generates a new list of valid program codes (never mind how), and calls setValidProgramCodes.
My theory -- which I need help to validate -- is that I can continue using the code as is, without putting in explicit synchronization. It goes like this: At the time that validProgramCodes are updated, the value of validProgramCodes is always good -- it is a pointer to either the new or the old hashmap. This is the assumption upon which everything hinges. A reader who has the old hashmap is okay; he can continue to use the old value, as it will not be garbage collected until he releases it. Each reader is transient; it will die soon and be replaced by a new one who will pick up the new value.
Does this hold water? My main goal is to avoid costly synchronization and blocking in the overwhelming majority of cases where no update is happening. We only update once per hour or so, and readers are constantly flickering in and out.