




Hi, I have successfully deployed an EJB 3 module and a JSF WEB app which calls the EJB module's beans using netbeans IDE locally. Now when I try to deploy this in staging environment, i get the following error:

root cause
javax.servlet.ServletException: com.sun.enterprise.InjectionException: Exception attempting to inject Unresolved Ejb-Ref com.store.managedbeans.CustomerManagedBean/customerService@jndi: com.store.service.CustomerRemote@[email protected]@Session@null into class com.store.managedbeans.CustomerManagedBean
root cause javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: com.store.service.CustomerRemote#com.store.service.CustomerRemote not found

I have deployed the EJB module and Web application in glassfish v2 (in the staging environment).The jar of the EJB Module is inside WEB-INF/lib folder of web application. It looks like the web app cannot find the EJB module. The classes are annotated with @Remote. And I am calling interfaces and not the bean by using @EJB. And of course, this worked find when I deployed it under Netbeans.


I am having the same problem. can you share what JMS Queue Connection Factory EJB module is referencing? and how to create the JMS resource in GlassFish v2? I mean what values should be used in JMS resource creation?
