



I'm having a bit of trouble with the client-side validation in the ASP.NET MVC 2 framework and hope someone can help me out.

In several situations I find it useful to be able to reset the contents of a form or just a single input element and I need any validation errors to disappear. This in itself is not very hard, and the suggestion provided here works well enough:

The problem is that, when triggered, client validation goes into an aggressive mode that performs validation on each key press and when an input loses focus. Is there a good way to reset this state as well?


It turned out that some of my problems could be solved by setting the reset button to type reset which the validation framework respects. This doesn't work when a failed submit occurs (due to invalid fields) and in this case I ended up using the following function (selector is a jQuery selector string):

resetFieldValidation: function (selector) {
    var fields = $(selector);
    fields.each(function () {
        $(this)[0]['__MVC_HasTextChanged'] = false;
        $(this)[0]['__MVC_HasValidationFired'] = false;

The last part of the function sets values indicating to the validation framework that the fields have not changed and have not previously triggered a validation error.

Morten Christiansen