




Hi, I'm trying to copy files from a directory where the last modified date is within 24hours of the current date. I'm using a wildcard in the filepath as it changes every day I'm using;

option explicit

dim fileSystem, folder, file
dim path 

path = "d:\x\logs"

Set fileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set folder = fileSystem.GetFolder(path)

for each file in folder.Files    

           If DateDiff("d", file.DateLastModified, Now) < 1 Then

   filesystem.CopyFile "d:\x\logs\apache_access_log-*", "d:\completed logs\"

        WScript.Echo file.Name & " last modified at " & file.DateLastModified
    end if

Unfortunately this seems to be copying all files, and not just the recently modified ones. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

many thanks


+1  A: 

How about:

filesystem.CopyFile "d:\x\logs\" & file.name, "d:\completed logs\"
brilliant, thanks a lot for your help. I can see where I was going wrong now.
Martin North

It looks like you are copying all files if any file satisfies the DateDiff comparison.

Chris Farmer
+1  A: 

Change line to:

filesystem.CopyFile file, "d:\completed logs\" 

You were copying every file in the directory as soon as one file matched your criteria


Thanks for the replies. I was using an * to try and catch files where I didn't know the full name (the file name has the day appeneded to it each day, e.g file01 file02 etc)

I guess now I just need to read in the date and use an if statement to find if the filename contains the day. Or is there a better way?

many thanks


Martin North
When you go through the files in the directory, file.name holds the name of a file with a modification date of "today", it can the be copied. Did you want to check something else as well?
BTW, you should edit your initial question, rather than posting an "answer" :)