





Having an .html file is it possible to force the browser to treat the contents as XHTML? I mean the file opened from both local or web location. Maybe some on-the-fly convertion or something like that?

The background:

Firefox and Opera supports natively MathML when the code is embedded in a XHTML file. I need to get a .html file with MathML that would be supported by the mentioned browsers properly.

Thank you for any support.


For local files (see below if you are using a server):

Browsers generally only run off file extensions for determining if a local file is HTML or XHTML.

Your options:

  • Rename the files
  • Run a local webserver that can serve with an application/xhtml+xml content type
  • Wait for HTML 5 support of inline SVG
  • Use JS to generate the SVG
  • Use symbolic links (if you are on *NIX) so you have both file names available
  • Add a Doctype detection and parse mode switching feature to Firefox, it is open source (yes, I realize this isn't the most practical suggestion, that is why it is last)

For files served via HTTP:

Consult the manual to find out how to change the content type for a given file extension. For example, Apache can use the AddType directive.

David Dorward

File extension has nothing to do in this case. The only thing that really matters is the Content-Type header. By default your webserver treat .html files, as text/html, but you should force it to send is as application/xhtml+xml.

If you're using any server-side language, you can do something like that (PHP example)

header('Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml');

If you're unable to use any programming language, then you can configure your webserver to treat .html files as XHTML (Apache, .htaccess example)

AddType application/xhtml+xml .html


I didn't noticed that you're also trying to open XHTML from local file. Then file extension may be important - but David Dorward answer to that case.

application/xhtml+xml, not application/xml+xhtml
Thanks! Corrected.