I've slurped in a big file using File::Slurp but given the size of the file I can see that I must have it in memory twice or perhaps it's getting inflated by being turned into 16 bit unicode. How can I best diagnose that sort of a problem in Perl?
The file I pulled in is 800mb in size and my perl process that's analysing that data has roughly 1.6gb allocated at runtime.
I realise that I may be wrong about my reason for the problem but I'm not sure the most efficient way to prove/disprove my theory.
I have elminated dodgy character encoding from the list of suspects. It looks like I'm copying the variable at some point, I just can't figure out where.
Update 2:
I have now done some more investigation and discovered that it's actually just getting the data from File::Slurp that's causing the problem. I had a look through the documentation and discovered that I can get it to return a scalar_ref, i.e.
my $data = read_file($file, binmode => ':raw', scalar_ref => 1);
Then I don't get the inflation of my memory. Which makes some sense and is the most logical thing to do when getting the data in my situation.
The information about looking at what variables exist etc. has generally helpful though thanks.