



Say I have a form that looks like this:

[ Animal name input field ] Add button

If I type a name and hit enter, an animal with the given name is added to a table. Works fine. What I would like now is to call the current way of working "quick add" and add a new feature called "slow add", which I am not quite sure how to do. Basically what I want is that if for example the shift key is held down when enter or the button is clicked, I want the form submit method to do something slightly different. In my case I want it to open up a form where more details on the animal can be added before it is added to the table.

Problem is I'm not quite sure how to do this. I have tried add a FireBug in my current submit function and I have found that the eventData contains an altKey, shiftKey and controlKey property, but they are always undefined even when I hold those keys down.

So, does anyone know how I can do something special in my submit handler when certain modifier keys were pressed when the form was submitted?

Temporary solution

Ended up ignoring the submit-button-shift-click-feature and instead just have the quick add feature as shift-enter-in-input-fields. Implemented it something like this:


function onNewAnimal(event)
    if(event.type == 'keypress' && event.which != 13)
        return true;

        // Quick add
        // Open slow add dialog

    return false;

Still curious if there is a better way, but until then, this is what I have. Maybe it can help someone else as well :)

+1  A: 

You may get shift pressed by $(document).keyup and $(document).keydown events. For example my code for control key is

$(document).keyup(function (e) {
    if (e.which == 17) $.isCtrl=false;
}).keydown(function (e) {
    if (e.which == 17) $.isCtrl=true;

And just check

if ($.isCtrl) { ... }

in your handler

Wouldn't that fail if the user released the control key before the form was submitted? Of course it would probably go faster than that, but technically speaking. And also, you say the code for your control key is 17. Does that mean that this code potentially would only work with your keyboard?
Cause of handler keyup it is not fail if user release key before submit. $.isCtrl will be false. What about key code it may differs in different browsers and operating systems. I know about control: Firefox in Windows and Chrome in Mac OS have different codes. You should test it on different situations

There is easier way. On every keydown you have built in event variable:

originalEvent: [object KeyboardEvent],
type: keydown,
timeStamp: 1277147610854,
jQuery1277147575359: true,
which: 65,
wheelDelta: undefined,
view: [object DOMWindow],
toElement: undefined,
target: ,
srcElement: ,
shiftKey: false,
screenY: undefined,
screenX: undefined,
relatedTarget: undefined,
relatedNode: undefined,
prevValue: undefined,
pageY: 0,
pageX: 0,
originalTarget: undefined,
offsetY: undefined,
offsetX: undefined,
newValue: undefined,
metaKey: false,
layerY: 0,
layerX: 0,
keyCode: 65,
handler: function (event) {
  if (event.keyCode == '13') {
   var msg = 'Handler for .keydown() called ' + xTriggered + ' time(s).';
  $.print(msg, 'html');
fromElement: undefined,
eventPhase: 2,
detail: 0,
data: undefined,
currentTarget: ,
ctrlKey: false,
clientY: undefined,
clientX: undefined,
charCode: 0,
cancelable: true,
button: undefined,
bubbles: true,
attrName: undefined,
attrChange: undefined,
altKey: false,
handleObj: [object Object],
preventDefault: function (){this.isDefaultPrevented=Z;var a=this.originalEvent;if(a){a.preventDefault&&a.preventDefault();a.returnValue=false}},
stopPropagation: function (){this.isPropagationStopped=Z;var a=this.originalEvent;if(a){a.stopPropagation&&a.stopPropagation();a.cancelBubble=true}},
stopImmediatePropagation: function (){this.isImmediatePropagationStopped=Z;this.stopPropagation()},
isDefaultPrevented: function Y(){return false},
isPropagationStopped: function Y(){return false},
isImmediatePropagationStopped: function Y(){return false}
altKey: false, AND: ctrlKey: false,

On keydown yes, but not on other events like the form submit event. There they are `undefined`.