require 'date'
created_hash = File.foreach('test.txt', mode: 'rt', encoding: 'UTF-8').
reduce({}) {|hsh, l|
name, title, date, pop = l.split
hsh.tap {|hsh| hsh[name] = [title, Date.parse(date), pop.to_i] }
I threw some type conversion code in there, just for fun. If you don't want that, the loop body becomes even simpler:
k, *v = l.split
hsh.tap {|hsh| hsh[k] = v }
You can also use readlines
instead of foreach
. Note that IO#readlines
reads the entire file into an array first. So, you need enough memory to hold both the entire array and the entire hash. (Of course, the array will be eligible for garbage collection as soon as the loop finishes.)