Catch that? The constant was appended to at the same time the local variable was.
No, it wasn't appended to, and neither was the local variable.
The single object that both the constant and the local variable are referring to was appended to, but neither the constant nor the local variable was changed. You cannot modify or change a variable or constant in Ruby (at least not in the way that your question implies), the only thing you can change is objects.
The only two things you can do with variables or constants is dereferencing them and assigning to them.
The constant is a red herring here, it is completely irrelevant to the example given. The only thing that is relevant is that there is only one single object in the entire example. That single object is accessible under two different names. If the object changes, then the object changes. Period. It does not mysteriously split itself in two. Which name you use to look at the changed object doesn't matter. There is only one object anyway.
This works exactly the same as in any other programming language: if you have multiple references to a mutable object in, say, Python, Java, C#, C++, C, Lisp, Smalltalk, JavaScript, PHP, Perl or whatever, then any change to that object will be visible no matter what reference is used, even if some of those references are final
or const
or whatever that particular language calls it.
This is simply how shared mutable state works and is just one of the many reasons why shared mutable state is bad.
In Ruby, you can generally call the freeze
method on any object to make it immutable. However, again, you are modifying the object here, so anybody else who has a reference to that object will all the sudden find that the object has become immutable. Therefore, just to be safe, you need to copy the object first, by calling dup
. But of course, that's not enough either, if you think of an array, for example: if you dup
the array, you get a different array, but the objects inside the array are the still the same ones in the original array. And if you freeze
the array, then you can no longer modify the array, but the objects in the array may very well still be mutable:
ORIG = ['Hello']
CLONE = ORIG.dup.freeze
CLONE[0] << ', World!'
CLONE # => ['Hello, World!']
That's shared mutable state for you. The only way to escape this madness is either to give up shared state (e.g. Actor Programming: if nobody else can see it, then it doesn't matter how often or when it changes) or mutable state (i.e. Functional Programming: if it never changes, then it doesn't matter how many others see it).
The fact that one of the two variables in the original example is actually a constant is completely irrelevant to the problem. There two main differences between a variable and a constant in Ruby: they have different lookup rules, and constants generate a warning if they are assigned to more than once. But in this example, the lookup rules are irrelevant and the constant is assigned to only once, so there really is no difference between a variable and a constant in this case.