



Hello All, I am planning to build Image processing application using WPF. Brightness /Contrast and Histogram are main operation of this application. I have downloaded the application " Foundations: Bitmaps and Pixel Bits" from . But when I tried to open the images which are more than 1200x1600, It is very slow. How to increase the performance. Is any one worked on Image processing in WPF.

Please suggest me how to solve this perfomance issue in WPF for image(more than 1600x1200) operation.

Thanks you, Harsha


I don't know much about 'WPF' but if you can write C# here is the 'unsafe' and quick method for image processing Image Processing in C# - A smart solution

Btw 'unsafe' means you'll play with pointers. Don't care about the reserved keyword for c#.

Ahmet Kakıcı
The reference C# code uses GDI instead of WPF which uses DirectX. I cannot see how the GDI code is going to help the questioner.
That's why i wrote "I don't know much about 'WPF'".
Ahmet Kakıcı
Now i googled and found that you can process images with wpf in my way:
Ahmet Kakıcı

Hello All, After a week searching the net I got some useful information. People are using COM DLLs for all the Image related calucualtions and update the WPF application. Here is the link to MSDN:Custom BitmapEffect Sample - RGBFilter

Buut Problem with this is, one have register the COM dll.

But I have also found the sample code where registration of COM Dll is not required.!79D76793F7B6D5AD!115.entry

I have Opened the Image of size 3000x3500 and changed the RGB values. It is very smooth.

But I didn't understand how slider in the XMAL interact with this COM DLL and How to write this COM DLL.

If any one who understand the this code please explain. It will be very helpful for all.

Thanks and regards Harsha
