The book says
The WPF Button class only adds two simple concepts on top of what ButtonBase already provides: being a cancel button or a default button. These two mechanisms are handy short- cuts for dialogs. If Button.IsCancel is setto true on a Button inside a dialog (that is, a Window shown via its ShowDialog method), the Window is automatically closed with a DialogResult of false. If Button.IsDefault is set to true, pressing Enter causes the Button to be clicked unless focus is explicitly taken away from it.
But in this sample window
<Window xmlns:x=""
Title="About WPF Unleashed" SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight"
Background="OrangeRed" >
<Label FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="20" Foreground="White">
WPF Unleashed (Version 3.0)
<Label> 2006 SAMS Publishing</Label>
<Label>Installed Chapters:</Label>
<ListBoxItem>Chapter 1</ListBoxItem>
<ListBoxItem>Chapter 2</ListBoxItem>
<TextBox AcceptsReturn="False">HELLO TEXT</TextBox>
<RadioButton>HELLO RADIO BUTTON</RadioButton>
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
<Button IsCancel="True" MinWidth="75" Margin="10">Cancel</Button>
<Button x:Name="OKBUTTON" IsDefault="True" MinWidth="75" Margin="10">OK</Button>
<StatusBar>You have successfully registered this product.</StatusBar>
If I press Enter or even click it, the modal Window(By ShowDialog()) does not get closed (leave aside the return value). Is that an error in the book ?