for example
<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/scripts/somescript.php"></script>
will my browser still cache this just by not setting this scripts headers meta tag cache to must-revalidate?
3If you send a Content-type: text/javascript; charset="your_charset"
the browser will recognize your PHP script as a valid Javascript resource and will handle it like any other Javascript. You can control browser caching behavior by issuing the correct headers in your PHP script using header()
Some browsers are more agressive with default caching than others. However, there are cache control headers you can send to indicate when to reload the code.
header("Expires: " . date("r", time() + ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 1 ) ) ); // Expires in 1 week
header("Content-Type: application/x-javascript");
Is a code-snippet I've been known to use.
You can use more fancy stuff like If-Not-Modified headers and ETags, but Expire times are the only ones that eliminate extra server calls.
One trick is to write your script tag out with an ever-changing querystring on it. Your main PHP could write out the following, which changes each day:
<script type="text/javascript" src="assets/scripts/somescript.php?date=20081118"></script>
The querystring will be ignored by somescript.php, but the browser will treat the URL as a new one each time, and reload the script.