



Hi, I'm using Spring 2.5 MVC and wan't to add another third-party Servlet. The Problem is, that Spring MVC catches all request, so the Servlet isn't getting any request. Here a web.xml Snippet:



    <description>This is the servlet needed for cache.type servlet, returns the packed resources</description>


The /* mapping is really needed for the application, an pack:tag (the third-party Servlet) really need the mapping based on the file extension. Any possiblities to tell Spring not to process the request? Thanks and regards.

+1  A: 

Check the accepted answer on this SO questions. It should solve your issue.

+3  A: 

Actually you do not need spring to do anything, the servlet container can solve this for you.

When matching to which servlet a request is sent is dependent on the matching rules defined by the url-pattern. No 2 servlets may have the same pattern, but they may have overlapping patterns. Then 4 rules apply :

1) exact matches have priority over wildcard matches 2) longer path patterns have priority over shorter patterns 3) path matches have priority over filetype matches 4) / matches anything not already matched


If you use /* for the SpringMVC it may match on the longest path. By removing the * you are sure to follow the servlet spec for the default servlet and falls under rule 4.

Here you can find some more details.

Peter Tillemans
both your <url-pattern> end with a </usr-pattern>, try to correct those as people who find these useful will likely copy-paste this snippet
@Lombo : Thanks, Great spot.
Peter Tillemans