I'm trying to stop items being selected when the next button is clicked in the jCarousel plugin.
To see what I mean, have a look at this demo and double click the next arrow... jCarousel demo
I tried this code and it seems to work for IE and Mozilla but it doesn't work for Safari or Chrome...
/** * Fix carousel selection * http://chris-barr.com/entry/disable_text_selection_with_jquery/ */ (function($) { $.fn.disableTextSelect = function() { return this.each(function(){ if($.browser.mozilla){//Firefox $(this).css('MozUserSelect','none'); }else if($.browser.msie){//IE $(this).bind('selectstart',function(){return false;}); }else if($.browser.safari){//webkit $(this).css('KhtmlUserSelect','none'); }else{//Opera, etc. $(this).mousedown(function(){return false;}); } }); } $(function($){ $('.carousel-img').disableTextSelect();//No text selection for these elements }); })(jQuery);
Any help appreciated.