



Mp3 files can be handled using this mp3 SPI support, but I'm not finding something similar to mp4 files.

Any help would be appreciated.


What I want to do is get the file's size, as I do with wave files using this code:

AudioInputStream audioInputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(file);
AudioFormat format = audioInputStream.getFormat();
long audioFileLength = file.length();
int frameSize = format.getFrameSize();
float frameRate = format.getFrameRate();
float durationInSeconds = (audioFileLength / (frameSize * frameRate));


Here is the answer code using the hint of @mdma (IBM toolkit):

 * Use IBMPlayerForMpeg4SDK to get mp4 file duration.
 * @return the mp4File duration in milliseconds.
public static long getMp4Duration(File mp4File) throws IllegalStateException, IOException {
PlayerControl playerControl = PlayerFactory.createLightweightMPEG4Player();;
long mili = playerControl.getDuration();
// int sec = (int) ((mili / 1000) % 60);
// int min = (int) ((mili / 1000) / 60);
// System.out.println("IBM Tookit result = " + min + ":" + sec);
return mili;


Related, language independent, question:


You don't specify what you want to do. If you just want to play the files, you can use MPlayer and control it remotely via the ProcessBuilder API and stdio.

Aaron Digulla
question updated
Tom Brito
by the way, in which java package is MPlayer? Maybe it can be helpful..
Tom Brito
MPlayer is a command line tool.
Aaron Digulla
+2  A: 

Xuggler ( ) provides about the best Java wrapper for FFMPEG that I've seen - it'll let you decode the images out of almost any file, and then do whatever you like with them.

Thanks! I'll test it now..
Tom Brito
Isn't there something with jar files, instead of dlls? I would prefer..
Tom Brito
I haven't seen a pure-java decoder, everything uses native libraries. If you find one though, I'd LOVE to hear about it!
Oh, never mind. Just read the accepted answer.
+1  A: 

Mp4 is a container format - to be able to find the duration of the audio inside, you have to first parse the content out of the container. You can extract the content of an mp4 file using isobox mp4parser.

Once you've done that, you then have the raw audio data. If it's one of the supported formats in java (wav, mp3, etc..) then you can just open this file like you have done for wavs already. Initially you will probably extract the audio to a separate file, for simplicity's sake and easier debugging. When this is working, you can then do the extraction inline - you implement an InputStreamFilter that extracts the audio content from the mp4 on the fly, so no additional external files are required.

IBM Alphaworks have a pure java MP4 decoder library available, but it's possibly overkill for your present needs.

The mp4parser project have no svn or downloads. I'm trying with JMF + Jffmpeg, but I'm having a hard time with it.
Tom Brito
@Tom - The mp4parser sources are there - I just checked out the sources from
@TomBrito I'm really trying, but this project is too poor in documentation..
Tom Brito
Have you tried the isoViwer - I fired it up just to see and it shows you the composition, including a "track" box that contains "chunks" which contain samples.
There is an error in a class on its package: com.coremedia.iso.gui.GenericSamplePane line 50 `The method getSampleDescriptionBox() in the type TrackMetaData is not applicable for the arguments (long)`
Tom Brito
And delete the arg does not work. I opened an issue for the project:
Tom Brito
I'm also trying with the IBM toolkit, I there's no documentation, just samples. And, strangely, the samples have just xml files, nothing about java files.
Tom Brito
It worked with IBMPlayerForMpeg4SDK.jar, I'll post the code bellow the question. Thanks!
Tom Brito
Great news that you've got it working!