




I do have a whole bunch of files in a directory and from every file I want to remove the first line (including carriage return). I can read the whole file into an array of strings and write all but the first element to a new file, but that looks a bit cumbersome to me are there better ways? Oh the prefered language is Perl.

+4  A: 
use Tie::File qw();
for my $filename (glob 'some_where/some_files*') {
    tie my @file, 'Tie::File', $filename or die "Could not open $filename: $!";
    shift @file;

PS: Would you please accept some answers to your questions?

+1 if only for your PS. :)
Charles Boyung
Note that this still has to read and copy the whole file, but that's inherent in the problem. I don't know of any OS that provides any other way to remove data from the beginning of a file.
Tie::File is my obvious choice because it's been explicitly written to deal with this exact problem category efficiently.
+10  A: 

Try this one liner

perl -pi -e '$_ = "" if ( $. == 1 );' filename

I've used it before, should be all you need.

+1 Never needs to store more than one line at a time.
+5  A: 
perl -n -i -e 'print unless $. == 1' myfile

This is similar to stocherilac's answer.

But, in any case (and in all the others answer given!) you are always reading the full file. No way of avoiding that, AFAIK.

+1 for more than one way to do it :)
+1 for a (IMHO) more readable version.
Alex Feinman
+8  A: 

How about

tail +2

in shell?

+8  A: 

Oh the prefered language is Perl.

Sometimes sed is a better sed than even perl:

sed -i 1d *

As pointed out by Schwern, the following does not perform an early exit as I had originally thought it would:

perl -pi -e '$_ = q// and last if $. == 1;' myFile

Seems like one cannot avoid processing the whole file after all.

This doesn't do what you think it does. If it did, it would violate how files work on Unix. What's really happening is `$_ = ""` is always false so `$_ = "" and last` is the same as `0 and last`. It short circuits and never calls `last`. You have written: `perl -pi e '$_ = q// if $. == 1' myFile` which is a clever way to not print the first line, but it most definitely reads the whole file. Run with with `-MO=Deparse` to get the code and run it in the debugger to see. `do { this; that; } if something` is a safer construct.
@Schwern : My bad. It took a while for your explanation to sink in, but I see your point.