I've stumbled recently upon a problem. I have several partial which are in several actions and have different way of displaying data, hence I used the contextual option in cache.yml as such :
enabled: true
contextual: true
Now I needed to remove the partial cache when the data was updated, which is normally pretty easy when dealing with non-contextual partial cache or action cache.
However when I try to remove this cache, I only get null return values, and the cache is not removed. Like this :
$uri = '@sf_cache_partial?module=comment&action=_list&sf_cache_key='.$id;
$cache_manager = $this->getContext()->getViewCacheManager();
$cache_manager->has($uri) // return true
$cache_manager->remove($uri) // return null
$cache_manager->has($uri) // return true, cache is still there
I tried to fiddle with the fourth option of sfViewCacheManager::remove, which is the context, as such :
$context = 'space/show/sf_culture/fr/slug/'.$slug.'/tab/news/comment/_list/'.$id;
$cache_manager->remove($uri, '', '', $context); // return null
Anyone know how to do this ? I'm getting desperate :P