



I'm trying to solve the following problem: Say I have a Python script (let's call it which uses a C++ extension module (made via SWIG, let's call the module "Example"). I have,, and in the same directory.

Now, in the middle of running, I want to make a change to my Example module, recompile (which will overwrite the existing .so), and use a command to gracefully stop which is still using the old version of the module ( has some cleaning up to do, which uses some stuff which is defined in the Example module), then start it up again, using the new version of the module. Gracefully stopping and THEN recompiling the module is not an option in my case.

The problem is, as soon as is overwritten and tries to access anything defined in the Example module (while gracefully stopping), I get a segmentation fault. One solution to this is to explicitly name the Example module by appending a version number at the end, but I was wondering if there was a better solution (I don't want to be importing Example_1_0)?


What you could is compile to the temporary name (Example_1_0) but as soon as the is stopped, rename to and then restart


Since you're running multiple instances, you might consider using some type of stack/generator/symlink threading to link it all together to do your own "garbage collection" on

You could have the main tester script running, launching the scripts with subprocess. Each could take as a command line argument. Then you keep a reference count to each .so file - when the refcount drops to zero, that version of the module is eliminated and the process is respawned with the newest version of

It might be a bit tricky, but you may just be able to use

while True:
    #Do stuff
    for p in myprocesses:
        retcode = p.poll() # Set to [None][1] if the process hasn't finished
        # Do something with the return code

or some similar logic.

Wayne Werner
Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, this is not an option, as I have multiple of instances of running, and for various reasons, I need to restart all instances in serial (I can't have all instances stopped at once).
+2  A: 

You could, on starting, copy the Example.* files to a temp folder unique for that instance (take a look at tempfile.mkdtemp, it can create safe, unique folders), add that to sys.path and then import Example; and on shutdown remove that folder (shutils.rmtree) at the cleanup stage.

This would mean that each instance of would run on its own copy of the Example module, not interfering with the others, and would update to the new one only upon relaunch.

You would need the Example.* files not to be on the same folder as for this, otherwise the import would get those first. Just storing them on a subfolder should be fine.

Hacky solution - I love it! It works great, thanks for your help!
I like your solution better than mine. And (OT) everyone loves *rejected*...
Wayne Werner