Hello! ok, i have another question now. I have a bunch of beans loaded succesfully in applicationContext.xml, which loads from web.xml:
Here are is the bean defined in applicationContext.xml that i want to share:
<bean id="catalogFacadeTarget" class="com.bamboo.catW3.business.impl.CatalogFacadeImpl">
<property name="categoryDAO"><ref local="categoryDAOTarget"/></property>
<property name="containerDAO"><ref local="containerDAOTarget"/></property>
<property name="productDAO"><ref local="productDAOTarget"/></property>
<property name="productOptionDAO"><ref local="productOptionDAOTarget"/></property>
<property name="productStatusDAO"><ref local="productStatusDAOTarget"/></property>
<property name="userDAO"><ref local="userDAOTarget"/></property>
it loads other beans (DAOs) which are initialized with hibernet.
I need to acces catalogFacadeTarget from the dispatcherServlet, declared in web.xml:
and configured dispatcher-servlet.xml like this:
<bean name="welcome"
<property name="successView">
<property name="catalogFacadeImpl"><ref local="catalogFacadeTarget"/></property>
There! in the property called catalogFacadeImpl, i need the catalogFacadeTarget bean!
If you need the entire applicationContext.xml, web.xml, and dispatcher-servlet.xml please let me know.
From what i read, i should be able to share beans if i declared them in the contextConfigLocation configuration file.
Thank you very much in advance.