I have extended the user model and added extra fields to it i.e "latitude" "longitude" and status and than save it. up to here it works fine. but i want to allow the user to change his/her "latitude" "longitude" whenever he/she needs like the hotmail and yahoo allows change account feature. in my case the user only wants to chage the latitude and longitude i tried it in this way but it didnt work. is this the right way to do it ...... or is there any other way to change the saved contents
def status_change(request):
print "status_change function called"
if request.method == "POST":
rform = registerForm(data = request.POST)
uform = UserForm(data = request.POST)
if rform.is_valid():
user = uform.save()
register = rform.save()
register.user = user
return render_to_response('home.html')
rform = registerForm()
return render_to_response('status_change.html',{'rform':rform})