




D6 Prof.

Because of Z-Order problem I created a new form. I want to register this custom form in Delphi, to I can use it as normal form, and to I can replace my forms with this - to avoid Z-Order problems.

But I don't know, how to do it.

I created the class, but how to register?

How to force Delphi to show it under "New..." menu?

Thanks for your help: dd

+2  A: 

Right click the form and select "Add to repository..."

As I see that is not good, because I can choose the Copy later.I don't want to use copy, I want to use this form as normal form - not copy, inherit from it!
+2  A: 

@durumdara, you can use the object repository from the delphi IDE.

check theses links

+1  A: 

If you added new properties or the like you have to call RegisterCustomModule() within a design-time package to register the form with Delphi. Use RegisterNoIcon to avoid registration in the component palette.

I tried this.I have a central package, and I added a unit to it. The unit containing the inherited form (without dfm).When I registered this form, I saw ALL FORM IN THE PACKAGE - except this...What I do wrong?
So this is very interesting.1. When I maked a new package that hold a form (with DFM), the object repository show it - without the new published properties I added to it.2. When I use Register in the package, the form vanishing from the repository. WHy???
You may need to use OTA to add the form to repository:
A solution was:- RegisterPackageWizard, - TNewFormWizardI used TntUnicode registration unit, replaced all things, and it is working now!!!Thanks: dd