
Showing flash above content.

I have a page with a tutorial (http://www.poromenos.org/tutorials/bittorrent/download), but the site layout obscures the flash player, which is too wide. Is there a way to show the flash above the content through the z-order (or something else, lightbox-y)? ...

c# wpf overlapping controls not receiving mouse events

Hi, I am building a canvas control. This root canvas has several overlapping children (canvas as well). This is done so each child can handle its own drawing and I can then compose the final result with any combination of children to get the desired behavior. This is working very well as far as rendering is concerned. This does not work...

How to get the zorder in windows?

I'm making an application where I interact with each running application, right now, I need a way of getting the windows zorder, for instance, if firefox and notepad are running, I need to know which is the must upfront... Any ideas ? (basides doing this for each application mainWindow I also need to do it for it's childs and sisters (wi...

How to know if my winform is on top of other windows in c#?

I need to know if a specific window in my application is on top of all the other windows (including other applications). I tried the TopLevel property but it tells if it is Toplevel within my application only, I would need to know related to other applications also. How can it be done, preferring not using windows API? ...

How to show form in front in C#

Folks, Please does anyone know how to show a Form from an otherwise invisible application, and have it get the focus (i.e. appear on top of other windows)? I'm working in C# .NET 3.5. I suspect I've taken "completely the wrong approach"... I do not Application.Run(new TheForm ()) instead I (new TheForm()).ShowModal()... The Form is bas...

Change the z-order of subviews on the iPhone

I'm developing a game. I'm using about 150 UIImageView to hold the graphics. I'm simulating a 3D enviroment, so i would like to change the z-order (how close is an object to the camera). I know there exists : [superWindow exchangeSubviewAtIndex:i withSubviewAtIndex:j]; But for some reason it's not working, some of the subviews disappe...

Minimizable JFrame that stays on top of main application window.

My apps pops up a dialog. Users usually want to switch back and forth between this dialog and the application window for a period of time. I want this dialog to stay on top, so that it doesn't get hidden behind the main application window. But at the same time I want the dialog to have a minimize button so that it can get out of the way ...

Place a window behind any other existing third party window

In order to take a screenshot of a specific window, I need to place a white colored TForm behind that window. What Windows API could I use to change the z-order of my window and place it correctly ? ...

Dynamically loaded flash movie is on top of jquery dialog: how to change zorder?

A flash movie is loaded on a page via javascript (replaceChild on a div) I add jquery datepicker to a input above this movie. When the datepicker (or other jquery element) is shown, it is shown under the movie (wrong zorder) The element do have "z-index: 99" in its css class How do i bring the jquery element up? [Edit] Theres no s...

Delphi - Create form behind another form.

I'm using Delphi 4. I have a main form with a button that dynamically creates a new form. I'd like the new form to be visible, but to show up BEHIND the main form. I've tried calling SendToBack() immediately after FormCreate(). But that makes the window flicker quickly before it's actually sent to back. I've tried making the form invis...

Delphi - How to prevent Forms/MsgBoxes to move under prior form?

Hi! Many times we experienced after Windows 98 era that some dialogs are lost their Z-Order, and moved back to prior form. For example: Dialog1.ShowModal; Dialog1.OnClickButton() : ShowMessage('anything'); When MessageBox appears, sometimes not got focus, it is moved under Dialog1. The users confused on it, because they are say: ap...

Delphi - How to register a custom form...

Hi! D6 Prof. Because of Z-Order problem I created a new form. I want to register this custom form in Delphi, to I can use it as normal form, and to I can replace my forms with this - to avoid Z-Order problems. But I don't know, how to do it. I created the class, but how to register? How to force Delphi to show it under "New..." menu...

How to set Z-order of a Control using WinForms

I'm writing a custom TextBox that upon gaining focus changes its border style. As adding a border causes the control to overlap with those neighbouring it, I temporarily bring the text box to the front of the dialog (using textBox.BringToFront()). However, once editing is complete and focus is lost, I would like to send the control bac...

Not getting DragEnter/Over, Drop events in silverlight 4 app

I'm dragging UserControl objects from one Canvas to another with the intention of dropping there. When mousing over the destination, the dragged object actually goes under it. I get no DragEnter, DragOver or DragLeave events. If I drop the object there, I get no Drop event. My root object is a border, then a grid. The grid covers th...

BringToFront() does not work

I have a winform project with a splash form (as described in the first answer of this question : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/510765/c-winforms-startup-splash-form-not-hiding). When I use this splashform the mainform loose the focus. I want to bring it to the front as soon as I close the splashform with Form.BringToFront() but it ...

WindowsFormsHost ZOrder

It appears WindowsFormsHost control is set to display on top. Is there any way to change its z-order to allow other WPF controls on the same window to be visible on top of the WindowsFormsHost control? ...

win32 CTabctrl: Drawing "child" windows in the active tab

Hi all. I have a resizable dialog that contains a CTabCtrl, the tab control has 4 tabs that when clicked on displays one of four different CTreeCtrls. I have derived a class from CTabCtrl, which keeps track of its "child" controls like so: ... class Container: public CTabCtrl { vector<CWnd*> _children; .... int Container::AddTab(CWnd*...

How can I achieve this basic layout in android with the proper z-ordering of views

How can I achieve the following layout in Android? What I would like, is to have the 3 blue boxes top aligned in their view, and then I'd like to have the red box centered underneath the blue boxes, but so that when I animate the red box up, it slides underneath the blue box. I have tried placing the blue and red boxes in different lay...

Zordering with custom items in a listbox - Silverlight.

I'm cooking up a custom button. This screenshot will be helpful. There's no problem with the button as seen in the image because the badge is hanging off to the left. But if I want the badge to hang off the right then the next item in the listbox will obscure the parts of the badge that go beyond the bounds of it's container (the width o...