
Which is preferred CTabCtrl vs. CPropertSheet in MFC?

I don't know how to use both of them. So a sample code with pros and cons is perfect. Which one is preferred? Why? ...

Highlighting tabs not working in XP

I have an old MFC application that contains a tabbed dialog, implemented using a tab control. When certain events occur, I highlight a tab using the TCM_HIGHLIGHTITEM message and all is good. However, now we've moved the customer to XP and they've enabled XP themes, the tab highlights have stopped working. There are no errors, the call ...

MFC: How to Identfy if Dialog was created using CPropertySheet or CTabCtrl

In reference to this question:Which is prefered CTabCtrl vs CPropertySheet I have a DDK that uses MFC which I am new to. The basic example from the DDK implements a simple dialog box with 3 tabs with the "Ok" and "Cancel" button on the right side of the box. Based on the question from the link above, seems like only CTabCtrl can have...

How to use a CTabCtrl in a MFC dialog based application ?

I need to do something which i expected to be was simple - create a tab control which has 2 tabs, implying 2 modes of operation for my app. When user clicks on Tab1, he'll be presented with some buttons and textboxes, and when he clicks Tab2, some other input method. I noticed that there was a CTabCtrl class thats used in MFC to add tabs...

win32 CTabctrl: Drawing "child" windows in the active tab

Hi all. I have a resizable dialog that contains a CTabCtrl, the tab control has 4 tabs that when clicked on displays one of four different CTreeCtrls. I have derived a class from CTabCtrl, which keeps track of its "child" controls like so: ... class Container: public CTabCtrl { vector<CWnd*> _children; .... int Container::AddTab(CWnd*...