
Which is preferred CTabCtrl vs. CPropertSheet in MFC?

I don't know how to use both of them. So a sample code with pros and cons is perfect. Which one is preferred? Why? ...

How to get Apply button to show in property sheets in Windows Mobile 5 / PocketPC

I have an C++ MFC applications that runs on most flavours of Windows CE / Mobile / PocketPC and Win32. When using CPropertySheet based tabbed dialogs the application under Win32, I get Ok,Cancel, Apply & Help buttons on the bottom of the dialog. On Windows CE, I get ?, OK and X buttons on the top of the dialog which do pretty much the ...

Update Property Page or Tab Control Layout

After changing the text in a tab control's tab header, how do I tell it to recalculate the layout of the children (e.g., if the new tabs take up two rows)? I am changing the tab text like this, from within a property page: TC_ITEM ti; ti.mask = TCIF_TEXT; ti.pszText = _T("whatever...."); CTabCtrl *pTabs = ((CPropertySheetEx *)GetParent...

MFC: How to Identfy if Dialog was created using CPropertySheet or CTabCtrl

In reference to this question:Which is prefered CTabCtrl vs CPropertySheet I have a DDK that uses MFC which I am new to. The basic example from the DDK implements a simple dialog box with 3 tabs with the "Ok" and "Cancel" button on the right side of the box. Based on the question from the link above, seems like only CTabCtrl can have...

How to delete the default button in CPropertySheet Wizard MFC application?

Hey guys..I am designing a set-up wizard using CPropertySheet and CpropertyPage in MFC application...I have completed the design but the thing is..In normal CProperty Sheet there are four default buttons "BACK NEXT FINISH HELP"...but I want only NEXT and FINISH buttons ...I used the following code to do that but its giving me a run time ...

How to delete the default Help button in CPropertySheet in MFC?

I am using CPropertySheet class for my design in MFC application,normally in CPropertySheet there would be 4 default buttons..I want to hide/delete the HELP button..I tried the following..but its not working/nither responding..I had this written in my CPropertyPage class is there any other way... m_psh.dwFlags &= ~PSH_HASHELP; ...

Tool to create wizards in C++

The MFC concept (using PropertySheet / PropertyPages) to build a wizard has let me down many times and for several reasons. I googled the subject somewhat but could not turn up with any library or tool that would help me create my wizards easier. Any recommendations would help a lot. ...