I have this scenario. I made a webpart that sends the information for my consolidation list, through the sharepoint web services.
I installed the webpart in each sharepoint site, this webpart get the data (when it's outdated) and make a insert in the consolidation list through the lists.asmx webservice. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/lists(v=office.12).aspx. Then a I create a user with permission to write in the consolidation list in my consolidation site, and used this to authenticate my webpart when it will do the insert on the list.
I did something like this, in Visual Studio 2005, with Sharepoint dll referenced.
public void InsertToPainel(string strID, string user, string password)
//WSPainel is the WebReference to http://<site>/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx.
using (WSPainel.Lists lstPainel = new webPartSender.WSPainel.Lists())
lstPainel.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
lstPainel.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(user, password);
#region Make the fields in consolidation list
Dictionary<string, string> fieldsNamesAndValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();
fieldsNamesAndValues.Add("ID", strID);//Recuperar quando for atualizar ou incluir New
fieldsNamesAndValues.Add("URL", SPContext.Current.Web.Url + ", " + splInfGerItems[0]["Title"].ToString()); //The link of the actual site that is sending the information
fieldsNamesAndValues.Add("Comments", splStatusItems[0]["Title"].ToString());//In my case, I just need the last result.
//It will make the register in CAML format and updates the lists.
lstPainel.UpdateListItems(_listaPainel, NewCAMLRegister(fieldsNamesAndValues, strID));
catch (Exception e)
private XmlNode NewCAMLRegister(Dictionary<string, string> FieldsNamesAndValues, string strID)
XmlDocument xdMensagem = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement xeBatch = xdMensagem.CreateElement("Batch");
XmlNode xnMethod = xdMensagem.CreateElement("Method");
XmlAttribute xaID = xdMensagem.CreateAttribute("ID");
XmlAttribute xaCmd = xdMensagem.CreateAttribute("Cmd");
xaID.Value = "1"; //Id do comando no Batch.
if (strID == "New")
xaCmd.Value = "New";
xaCmd.Value = "Update";
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> strfieldname in FieldsNamesAndValues)
XmlNode xnField = xdMensagem.CreateElement("Field");
XmlAttribute xaName = xdMensagem.CreateAttribute("Name");
xaName.Value = strfieldname.Key;//Nome do Campo
xnField.InnerText = strfieldname.Value;//Valor do Campo
//"<Method ID=\"1\" Cmd=\"New\">" + "<Field Name=\"ID\">New</Field>" + "<Field Name=\"Title\">This is a test</Field>" + "</Method>";
return xdMensagem;
catch (Exception e)
return null;
I hope it helps.