After spending SEVERAL frustrated hours on this I am asking for your help.
I am trying to get the content of particular nodes from a SOAP response.
The response is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="<a href="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope</a>"<xmlns:ns1="<a href="http://soap.xxxxxx.co.uk/">http://soap.xxxxxx.co.uk/</a>">
I am trying to get at the nodes and children of <ErrorArray>.
Because of the XML containing namespaces
$XmlArray = new SimpleXMLElement($XmlStr);
foreach ($XmlArray->env:Envelope->env:Body->ns1:PlaceOrderResponse->ErrorArray->Error as $Error)
echo $Error->ErrorCode."<br />";
doesn't work. I have read a number of articles such as
- http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2005/10/20/simplexml-and-namespaces/
- http://blog.stuartherbert.com/php/2007/01/07/using-simplexml-to-parse-rss-feeds/
and about 20 questions on this site, which unfortunately are not helping.
Even writing,
$XmlArray = new SimpleXMLElement($XmlStr);
echo "<br /><br /><pre>\n";
echo "<pre><br /><br />\n";
SimpleXMLElement Object
which makes me wonder if the soap response ($XmlStr) is actually a valid input for SimpleXMLElement.
It seems that the line
$XmlArray = new SimpleXMLElement($XmlStr);
is not doing what I expect it to.
Any help on how to get the nodes from the XML above would be very welcome.
Obviously getting it to work (having a working example) is what I need in the short term, but if someone could help me understand what I am doing wrong would be better in the long term.
Cheers. Stu