does anyone know if this is possible?
i was able to succesfully run hyperterminal and use it to send texts through my phone which is attached by USB.
anyone know how to do it in VBA?
does anyone know if this is possible?
i was able to succesfully run hyperterminal and use it to send texts through my phone which is attached by USB.
anyone know how to do it in VBA?
If you know the other party e-mail address you can just send e-mail. Otherwise you will need a SMS gateway supplier which can deliver the messages to the correct networks.
Try this:
Public Sub SendSMS(ByVal Recipient As String, ByVal Message As String)
Dim n As Integer
n = FreeFile
' Change the string below if using a different COM port or the port speed
Open "COM1:9600,N,8,1" For Output As #n
Print #n, "<SMS command string>"
Close #n
End Sub
Unfortunately, I don't have a data cable for my phone handy so I can't try it!
Also, be aware that you may not have access to the serial port if you're not running as a privileged user.