



In PHP code I try to execute Java program using shell_exec but I get empty line.

When I tried to execute program in bash:


echo "aaa"

I get "aaa" but when i tried to execute the same file with


java MainApp

I got empty line

This is the java code

public class MainApp{
        public static void main(String[] args)

When i do:


echo "aaa"
java MainApp
echo "bbb"

I get "aaa bbb"

I wont to get ":]" string How to make it work?

Maybe printing line with System.out.println(String ) is not the same as echo and printing line is not the same as returning value

+1  A:

There was the same problem :]

I have used

echo shell_exec("/usr/bin/java MainApp");

and now it works :] I don't know why in bash there was problem with "java" command but now everything works fine :]