




First time perl user and I am trying to debug some script to follow project logic and of course syntax. Using cygwin after entering at command line $

$ perl -d sample.pl

Loading DB routines from perl5db.pl version 1.3
Editor support available.

Enter h or `h h' for help, or `perldoc perldebug' for more help.

main::(sample.pl:5):    print 'Hello world.';           # Print a message

It hangs at the DB<1> line. I cannot enter anything at the prompt.

Is there a reason why this post is inappropriate? or how is this not clear?

This is the actual program code:

# Program to do the obvious
print 'Hello world.';       # Print a message

One question... what happens when you hit Ctrl+C?

Does it display any errors?

Does it quit the debugger?

it does nothing. I have to close the window to make it quit.
+2  A: 

I upgraded my cygwin installation at home and ran into a similar problem (though maybe not the exact same problem -- the perl debugger still responds to my input but does not display my input, and fubars my input even after I quit the debugger). In the meantime while I figure what is going on, my workaround is to fire up xemacs, launch a shell (M-x shell), and run the perl debugger from the emacs buffer.

If this works for you, then there is something funky going on with your cygwin terminal settings. If your debugger hangs even in an emacs buffer, then something else funky is going on but I have no idea what it could be.
