Breadcrumbs should be in the controller. I use CodeIgniter and do something like
$data['breadcrumb'][0] = array("title" => "Home", "alt" => "Home Page", "path" => "home/");
$data['breadcrumb'][1] = array("title" => "About", "alt" => "About Me", "path" => "home/about");
And then in the view loop through and display them as a list.
<ul class="breadcrumbs">
foreach($breadcrumb as $b)
<li><a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>index.php/<?php echo $b['path'];?>" alt="<?php echo $b['alt']; ?>"><?php echo $b['title']; ?></a></li>
You can then also declare simple things like classes, current pages, etc. The only downside is you have to set the breadcrumbs in every page.
ALL logic should be in the controller. Access databases through the models, perform logic in the controller, and pass it to the view.
Simple stuff like
<?php echo ($loggedin)?"Logged in as" . $user->firstname:"Not logged in";?>
can be in the view. But you shouldn't be setting up complex flow patterns. Leave that to the controller. Views are cheap. You can have a half dozen slightly different views and no one will care. It's not like static HTML where you would have to maintain a half dozen pages.
Include common things in the views (like headers, footers, script files, javascript files, etc) and then let them be.