I wrote this code to open a window with Pyglet in Python...
import pyglet
from pyglet import window
class Window(pyglet.window.Window):
def __init__(self):
super(Window, self).__init__()
myLabel = pyglet.text.Label("Prototype")
windowText = myLabel.draw(Window, "Hello World",
font_name = "Times New Roman",
font_size = 36,
color = (193, 205, 193, 255))
def on_draw(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
window = Window()
however every time I run it I get this error:
TypeError: draw() takes exactly 1 non-keyword argument (3 given)
AFAIK the "(3 given)" means the problem is with the font_size or color arguments but I'm not sure. Could someone explain what's wrong and help me make this work?