



In the article, Vim Regular Expressions, Oleg Raisky gives the following command to reduce multiple blank lines to a single blank:


Can someone please describe how this works?

I know :g command and regular expressions. But I didn't understand what the part /,/./-j does.

+15  A: 

It really is quite ingenious. Let's break it down. The ex command


will search for all empty lines and execute the ex XYZ command on each of them.

The tricky bit is that the XYZ command in your case is yet another substitute command:


The ,/./- specifies a range. Because there's nothing before the comma, it assumes the current line (the one where you found the blank line).

After the comma is /./- which means search for the next character (. means any character) then back up one line (/./- is short for /./-1, the one is implied if no value is given). You'll find that pattern . on the first non-blank line following the one you're operating on.

In other words, the end of the range is the last blank line after or at the one you're currently operating on.

Then you execute a join over that range.

If the start and the end of the range were equal (only one blank line was in the section), join does nothing. If they're not equal, join will join them all up.

That's the way in which it combines multiple blank lines into one.

Lets look at an example (line numbers are not in the file):

1 Line 1
3 Line 3
4 Line 4
9 Line 9

The :g command will find all blank lines and perform its operation on them (lines 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8).

For line 2, ,/./-j will set up a range from 2 to 2 (next . found on line 3 then subtract 1). A join on the range 2,2 does nothing.

For line 5, ,/./-j will set up a range from 5 to 8 (next . found on line 9 then subtract 1). A join on the range 5,8 will join all those lines together.

I'm not entirely certain about this but I think the operation may not be performed on lines that disappear as part of an earlier operation.

In other words, because lines 6 through 8 are deleted (combined with line 5), the global command doesn't operate on them after that. I base that on nothing more than the fact that the vim documentation states a two-pass algorithm, one to mark the lines, one to perform the operation.

I may be wrong on that point (it wouldn't be the first time) but it's an implementation detail which doesn't affect the functionality.

Thank you. This was very clarifying. I didn't know that "XYZ command" part of :g could specify a range.
Mert Nuhoglu
The XYZ command can be any `ex` command, including another substitute. I imagine you could string a few more of them together if you wanted an even _crazier_ test of vim knowledge :-)
That is awesome! I was trying to figure out how to join multiple ex commands just the other day.. thanks.