



By default, Glassfish v3 doesn't set the httpOnly flag on session cookies (when created as usual with request.getSession()).

I know, there is a method javax.servlet.SessionCookieConfig.setHttpOnly(), but I'm not sure, if that's the best way to do it, and if yes, where the best place would be to put that line.

BTW, of course it can't be done in the servlet itself (e.g. in init()):

java.lang.IllegalStateException: PWC1426: 
Unable to configure httpOnly session tracking cookie property for 
servlet context /..., because this servlet context has already been initialized

Generally, I would prefer to use a configuration option e.g. in web.xml.

+2  A: 

This is supported via a Servlet 3.0 web.xml (see web-common_3_0.xsd):

        Specifies whether any session tracking cookies created 
        by this web application will be marked as HttpOnly
Pascal Thivent
Thanks, it worked! (I had only looked in web-app_3_0.xsd, and didn't realize, that the schema uses `<xsd:include schemaLocation="web-common_3_0.xsd"/>`)
Chris Lercher
@chris_l You're welcome. I wasn't aware too, I noticed that while googling :)
Pascal Thivent