Hello, folks. So, I've came across this compilation error a while ago.. As there's an easy fix and I didn't find anything relevant at the time, I eventually let it go.
I just remembered it and I'm now wondering if this is really part of the language grammar (which I highly doubt) or if it's a compiler bug. I'm being purely curious about this -- it doesn't really affect development, but it would be nice to see if any of you have seen this already.
package view {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Main extends Sprite {
private var _view:Sprite = new Sprite();
public function Main() {
private function test():void {
trace(this.view.x, this.view.y);
//1178: Attempted access of inaccessible property x through a reference with static type view:Main.
//1178: Attempted access of inaccessible property y through a reference with static type view:Main.
//Note that I got this due to the package name.
//It runs just fine if I rename the package or getter.
public function get view():Sprite {
return this._view;