




The following Rebol code fails due to an out of memory error:

read/binary http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/ubuntu-releases/lucid/

How can I use Rebol to read large binary files over HTTP?

+1  A: 

A straight read of a large file may fail as it is held in memory and may exhaust the available memory.

This reference describes a way to read a file in chunks, provided you can find an FTP server to source it: http://www.rebol.com/docs/core23/rebolcore-13.html#section-11.12

A quick search suggests there are FTP servers for Ubuntu, but I have not checked if they cover the version you need. Good luck!

+3  A: 

Rebol 2 ports are something of a mess. So you can't directly apply the sample of how to read a large file in parts because read doesn't work on port! in R2 (much less does read/part work).

But if you jump through some hoops and use the /direct refinement to directly open the file, you get something that will work:

; Rebol 2 chunking http download sample

filename: %ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
base-url: http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/ubuntu-releases/lucid/
chunk-size: 32000

in-port: open/binary/direct rejoin [base-url filename]
out-port: open/binary/direct filename
while [not none? data: copy/part in-port chunk-size] [
    append out-port data
close in-port
close out-port

(UPDATE: I didn't notice the READ-IO sample that Sunanda cites, as I don't use R2 much and hadn't ever seen READ-IO. It may also work on http and have better performance. But I'll let you do that comparison. :P)

In Rebol 3, you can read and write from a port!. That means a modification of the large file sample should work, in theory...

; Rebol 3 chunking http download sample
; Warning: does not work in A99 release

filename: %ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
base-url: http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/ubuntu-releases/lucid/
chunk-size: 32000

in-port: open/read rejoin [base-url filename]
out-port: open/write filename
while [not empty? data: read/part in-port chunk-size] [
    write out-port data
close in-port
close out-port

Yet there's a bug in the current build of R3 alpha that ignores the /part refinement and goes ahead and returns the contents of the whole file during read if the scheme is HTTP. :(

Hostile Fork
+1  A: 

Use this http://anton.wildit.net.au/rebol/util/batch-download.r to download large files.

Graham Chiu
Seems great but it's wrapped into a context with no name. So how am i supposed to use it ?I tried to extract batch-download function but I got weird error about missing brackets.
Rebol Tutorial
You can expose it by removing the context, or, by creating another function that is global. Eg. before the end of the context`set 'bd :batch-download`and then you can use the 'bd function. Eg:`bd/to-dir [ http://www.http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/ubuntu-releases/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso ] %downloads/`started downloading. I aborted it at 10% as I don't want this file.
Graham Chiu