I am trying to create some HTML which shows me if my server is available from the internet, green light OK red light unavailable. This I can do for a remote site but not for my home, my router seems to prevent me from returning to home via my static IP address. I want to create some HTML so that I see how I look from my ISP not my own LAN, more specifically, I want the boss in Paris to know if the Paris server is up and running.
<head><script language='JavaScript'>
// Begin
function MyErr4(MyImage) {
setTimeout(function() {
document.light4.src = 'http://www.myisp.uk/red.jpg';
// end
<img name='light4' src='http://mystaticip/2_lime.jpg'
onerror='MyErr4(this)' border='0' width='30' />
does not work because I am running it inside my own LAN. How can I write some code that gets resolved at my ISP. I tried ASP but the Javascript gets resolved clientside.
Anybody like to comment please?