




I have these two models:

class CommonVehicle(models.Model):
   year = models.ForeignKey(Year)
   series = models.ForeignKey(Series)
   engine = models.ForeignKey(Engine)
   body_style = models.ForeignKey(BodyStyle)

class Vehicle(models.Model):    
   objects = VehicleManager()
   stock_number = models.CharField(max_length=6, blank=False)
   vin = models.CharField(max_length=17, blank=False)
   common_vehicle = models.ForeignKey(CommonVehicle)

What I want to do is to have a count of how many times a given CommonVehicle object is used in the Vehicle class. So far my attempts are giving me one number, which is a total of all the records. How can I have the count being the total appearances for each CommonVehicle

Update 1 I was thinking something like this could work:

related_count = 0
for vehicle in vehicles:
    related_count += Vehicle.objects.filter(common_vehicle=vehicle).count()
+2  A: 
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
Don't mean to be much of a bother, but this answer is a bit vague
Take the "given `CommonVehicle` object" you have, access the `vehicle_set` attribute, and call the `count()` method on it.
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams

I am currently developing a django app whose purpose is to solve this kind problem :


The documentation is not up-to-date, as I am constantly modifying the code (for now... It's only the beginning of the project). Here is the code you would use :

cube = Cube(['common_vehicle'], Vehicle.objects.all(), len)

The you can iterate on the cube for having all the counts for all the possible CommonVehicles :

for coords, value in cube.iteritems():
    #will print <CommonVehicule unicode representation> <count for this common vehicule>
    print coords.common_vehicule, measure

Or directly get the count for a CommonVehicule :


A lot of other cool features are (will be) available ...

PS : the app allows to create multidimensional aggregates over a django queryset, OLAP-style ... Cube(['common_vehicle'], Vehicle.objects.all(), len) actually represents a cube whose dimensions are ['common_vehicle'], base queryset is Vehicle.objects.all() and aggregation function is len.

This looks interesting.....I'll give it a try too and see...hope you finish soon :)
Yeah ! I'm actively pushing it, so it should be more stable, and more documented in the next few days ... And the syntax should be better.

Found that the question is closely related to: this

I should be doing this:

vehicles = CommonVehicle.objects.annotate(related_count=Count('vehicle')).all()

Then at the template where the count will be appearing:

{% for vehicle in vehicles %}
   {{ vehicle.related_count }}
{% endfor %}