




What custom controls and layouts for SWT/JFace do you use?

Preferably, list one per answer.

+2  A: 

Novocode controls: Balloon tooltips, hyperlinks, size grips, internal frames. Open source.

Alexey Romanov
+3  A: 

Nebula Project:

  • Widgets
  • CalendarCombo
  • CDateTime
  • CollapsibleButtons
  • CompositeTable
  • DateChooser
  • FormattedText
  • Gallery
  • GanttChart
  • Grid
  • PaperClips
  • PGroup
  • PShelf
  • RadioGroup
  • TableCombo
  • XViewer

Open source.

Alexey Romanov
+1  A: 

SwtForms: A partial port of JGoodies Forms to SWT. Open source.

Alexey Romanov
is this swtforms still active? is it bug free? is it compatible with the latest SWT?
+4  A: 

MiGLayout: "The Java Layout Manager for Swing, SWT and JavaFX"

Alexey Romanov
+2  A: 

The SWT Win32 Extension is...

a software development kit enabling you to work with native code from Java programs without using JNI. With SWT Win32 Extension, you don't need to create native libraries to call a function of the operating system API or a function from any dynamic library. You write code in the Java language only, and SWT Win32 Extension does the rest. SWT Win32 Extension provides quite a number of integration features to make your Java application look and behave like a Win32 citizen.

  • Window Decorations: making windows always-on-top, transparent, flashing on the taskbar, etc.
  • Custom Shape Window: creating non-rectangular windows using custom Regions.
  • Access to Windows Registry.
  • Shell Folders: getting paths and icons of the user folders (Favorites, My Pictures, etc)
  • Shell Links: managing the system link files.
  • System Info: gathering CPU, memory, system variables information.
  • Hooks: using system hooks and allowing to intercept some system events.
  • System Menu Manager: managing the shell system menu, user can define custom menu item.
  • Windows Session: managing system session. User can logoff, shutdown, reboot computer.
  • Ole Control: providing some ole control wrappers, such as flash.
  • Specially, you can get a lot of functions via SWT, because SWT Win32 Extension extends SWT.
Adam Paynter
+1  A: 

1. All nebula widgets (http://www.eclipse.org/nebula/)
3. KTable (http://sourceforge.net/projects/ktable/)

Layouts: See http://www.eclipse.org/articles/article.php?file=Article-Understanding-Layouts/index.html

I mostly use GridLayout and GridData since I think it fits best for composites with many children and I don't have to set any widths and heights => it will probably look ok on lower resolution displays.
