



hey guys.

I am trying to get my libjpeg working with python with little or no luck.

I have followed this tutorial to get it up and running on my 10.6, worked like a charm

now that I am looking at getting this onto my server I am getting stuck

I believe it already had libjpeg 6.x.x on their and wanted to update

I downloaded libjpeg 8b,

extracted ./configured sudo make sudo make install

worked fine and actually says

jpeg support available

then ran the Imaging installation, also worked fine.

now when i go into python and execute

import _imaging

i get a traceback of

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Can anybody help?


I managed to CentOS working with a lot of the defaults.

I now have a running django app, with mod_wsgi, git, django-south, django-imagekit, rackspace CDN, apache, mysql etc.

I've found that there were so many people having issues with this, however all the answers only took me half-way, I have tracked what I have done and published all this info into a handy tutorial.