




Hi all,

I have a small piece of code which basically impements a HTTP-Client, i.e. it POSTS request and works with re RESPONSE. As long as HTTP is concenerned everthing work well. For some reason I now have to support HTTPS too. So here is briefly what I do in order to get a connection opened:

 URL url = new URL(serverAddress);
 HttpsURLConnection httpsConn = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();

This fails, stating:

sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl cannot be cast to com.sun.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection

I guess this is kinda trivial, but I just don't get what I'm doing wrong in this one... Googled it, and the code just looks right - not?

any ideas are appreciated!


+4  A: 

Just keep it java.net.URLConnection or cast it to java.net.HttpURLConnection instead. Both offers methods to do the desired task as good.

A side remark unrelated to the technical problem: you should never explicitly import/use Sun Java SE implementation specific classes in your code. Those are undocumented classes and are subject to changes which may cause your code break when you upgrade the JVM. On the other hand, your code may also break when you run it at a different brand JVM.

Update: since you seem to accidently have imported it, go to Window > Preferences > Java > Appearance > Type Filters and Add com.sun.* and sun.* to the list. This way you won't ever import them accidently. See screenshot.

+1  A: 

Hard to tell without seeing the whole file, but it looks like you're importing com.sun.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection when you really want javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection.

Mike Baranczak
+2  A: 

Check your imports, you should be using


