We're developing a software that will manage users and I need to build an application with Kohana 3 and Auth Module. My application will allow just login. I don't need to append a salt to the passwords when user log in. How could i do that? Thank you.
I know, its wrong but I changed the core. Now I encrypt password without the salt: /kohana/modules/auth/classes/model/auth/user.php
public function login($username, $password, $remember = FALSE)
if (empty($password))
return FALSE;
if (is_string($password))
// Get the salt from the stored password
//$salt = $this->find_salt($this->password($username));
// Create a hashed password using the salt from the stored password
//$password = $this->hash_password($password, $salt);
$password = sha1($password);
return $this->_login($username, $password, $remember);