



Is there a way to trigger Hudson to perform a build when someone commits to visual svn? As in is there a way to set up visual svn to send a build trigger to hudson?

+1  A: 

Hudson can monitor a subversion repository, so I'm not sure why you would want to trigger Hudson. But, in any case create an svn trigger script that uses WGet to make an HTTP request to the Hudson server to make a build start.

Partial intro to svn trigger hooks.

Causing a Hudson build using WGet: /bin/wget -o /dev/null http://YOURHOST/hudson/job/PROJECTNAME/build"

Jim Rush
+1  A: 

Visual SVN is a packaged version of SVN, Apache, and some customizations for Windows. In order for subversion to notify Hudson you need to create a standard subversion triggers (you need the post commit hook here). This is possible with Visual SVN. Unfortunatly, I don't know how to call the necessary URL on a Windows system, but you can always install the Gnu Version on your server.

We configured Hudson to poll subversion and it works fine for us (and is easy to configure).

Peter Schuetze