




I get the following now in the output log. I really wish I hadn't attempted to update the version. What a hassle.

Can anyone diagnose the issue here?

Was trying to go from Hudson ver. 1.341 to the latest. 1.361?

All I see now when I go to the hudson url is:

Please wait while Hudson is restarting...

Your browser will reload automatically when Hudson is ready.

And then in the log file:

Running from: C:\hudson\hudson.war [Winstone 2010/06/14 23:33:54] - Beginning extraction from war file hudson home directory: C:\hudson [Winstone 2010/06/14 23:33:56] - Error during HTTP listener init or shutdown java.net.SocketException: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: JVM_Bind at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketBind(Native Method) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.bind(Unknown Source) at java.net.ServerSocket.bind(Unknown Source) at java.net.ServerSocket.(Unknown Source) at java.net.ServerSocket.(Unknown Source) at winstone.HttpListener.getServerSocket(HttpListener.java:102) at winstone.HttpListener.run(HttpListener.java:116) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

[Winstone 2010/06/14 23:33:56] - HTTP Listener shutdown successfully [Winstone 2010/06/14 23:33:56] - Winstone Servlet Engine v0.9.10 running: controlPort=disabled [Winstone 2010/06/14 23:33:56] - Error during AJP13 listener init or shutdown java.net.SocketException: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: JVM_Bind at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketBind(Native Method) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.bind(Unknown Source) at java.net.ServerSocket.bind(Unknown Source) at java.net.ServerSocket.(Unknown Source) at java.net.ServerSocket.(Unknown Source) at winstone.ajp13.Ajp13Listener.run(Ajp13Listener.java:99) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

[Winstone 2010/06/14 23:33:56] - AJP13 Listener shutdown successfully Running from: C:\hudson\hudson.war [Winstone 2010/06/14 23:38:49] - Beginning extraction from war file hudson home directory: C:\hudson [Winstone 2010/06/14 23:38:51] - Winstone Servlet Engine v0.9.10 running: controlPort=disabled [Winstone 2010/06/14 23:38:51] - Error during AJP13 listener init or shutdown java.net.SocketException: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: JVM_Bind at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketBind(Native Method) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.bind(Unknown Source) at java.net.ServerSocket.bind(Unknown Source) at java.net.ServerSocket.(Unknown Source) at java.net.ServerSocket.(Unknown Source) at winstone.ajp13.Ajp13Listener.run(Ajp13Listener.java:99) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

[Winstone 2010/06/14 23:38:51] - AJP13 Listener shutdown successfully [Winstone 2010/06/14 23:38:51] - Error during HTTP listener init or shutdown java.net.SocketException: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: JVM_Bind at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketBind(Native Method) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.bind(Unknown Source) at java.net.ServerSocket.bind(Unknown Source) at java.net.ServerSocket.(Unknown Source) at java.net.ServerSocket.(Unknown Source) at winstone.HttpListener.getServerSocket(HttpListener.java:102) at winstone.HttpListener.run(HttpListener.java:116) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

[Winstone 2010/06/14 23:38:51] - HTTP Listener shutdown successfully

+1  A: 

I had something similar, yesterday. The previous instance did not shut down correctly and you cant start the new instance since it can't open the port. Run netstat-no and look for the process that has your local Hudson port open. Kill that process and you will be able to start Hudson.

Alternatively, restart your server. That helps too.

Peter Schuetze
Thanks. I resarted my OS and it seemed to fix the problem. However, I am still running the older version of hudson. I can't seem to upgrade...
how did you try to update the server? Is your old system installed under C:\hudson\? Are there problems with the file permissions?
Peter Schuetze
+2  A: 

I ran into a similar problem upgrading from 1.361 to 1.362. Sometimes when Hudson is restarting its Windows service, the service stops but the Java process keeps running.

I also got no automatic upgrade, but closing down Hudson and replacing the hudson.war file with the downloaded one (which can be found in the same directory) helped.

Anders Lindahl