



I'm trying to do a manual jQuery AJAX request the following way:

$("#user_plan_id").change(function() {
    $("#plan_container").load('/plans/' + this.value);

I have the "rails.js" file included in my header, and a "<%= csrf_meta_tag %>".

I see from my log that the request IS getting to the server (although without the authenticity token... does rails.js even do this?), but the response is a 302 (Found) rather than 200, and no data actually gets rendered.

Any ideas?

Edit: I now see that the first request redirects, and the proper partial gets rendered on the redirect. However, the 2nd response's body (on the client-side) is still empty. I'm guessing jQuery uses the first response and doesn't have a listener set up for the redirect. How do I get around this?

Also, another note: the page doing the requesting is an HTTPS page.

Here is what my log says:

Started GET "/plans/221168073" for at Tue Jun 15 01:24:06 -0400 2010
  Processing by PlansController#show as HTML
  Parameters: {"id"=>"221168073"}
DEPRECATION WARNING: Using #request_uri is deprecated. Use fullpath instead. (called from ensure_proper_protocol at /Users/ernestsurudo/Sites/vidfolia/vendor/plugins/ssl_requirement/lib/ssl_requirement.rb:57)
Redirected to
Completed 302 Found in 1ms

It turns out that if I turn off SSL requirement for that page, it works! I still have no idea why, though. So I suppose my question is: what is the workaround?

+1  A: 

do you by any chance set a :protocol to "http" somewhere?


i think the answer is here