I have a user logged in. How can i extend/renew expiry date of session received from the request ? Thanks in advance!
setting SESSION_COOKIE_AGE is designed for that purpose I believe. After login cookie is set automatically for this period.
You can also save session cookie on every request by using SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST setting.
Lukasz Dziedzia
2010-06-15 11:54:47
yeah.. but if user's session is about to expire and I want to extend his session's expiry date further, then is there a way ?
2010-06-15 12:23:47
got it :) request.session.set_expiry() worked !
2010-06-15 12:54:46
OK, now I got it:) good you solved this.
Lukasz Dziedzia
2010-06-15 14:03:54