The following is a basic log4j configuration inside Config.groovy using the log4j DSL with Grails 1.2, it works as expected (log all errors to the given file):
log4j = {
appenders {
file name:'file', file:"c:/error.log"
error ''
root {
error 'file'
How would one translate this into a properties style log4j configuration file? The following does not work:
log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, FA
log4j.appender.FA.File=C:/error.log, FA
I suspect it has something to do with the translation of error ''
but I really don't know. Also, the file doesn't even get created, whereas with the first DSL version, it gets created when the application starts.
If it makes any difference, the properties file is configured externally (However, using an external log4j.groovy file works fine):
grails.config.locations = ["file:${basedir}/extconf/"]
All I really want is an external log4j properties file which logs all application exceptions to a file.