For me as a complete Maven-newbie the m2eclipse plugin worked quite well. We manage around 15 projects with it. The nested Maven projects will be flat in Eclipse (as it does not support nested projects), but all of them were automatically set up the right way, so everything works fine. Up to now I never needed to manually invoke a Maven command, for me using the preconfigured "run as" launch configurations did their job quite well.
For me the quality of m2eclipse can be judged by this simple example: If you run Eclipse on a JRE instead of JDK, m2eclipse shows a warning that some of its features rely on a JDK. Nevertheless it still works on the JRE. And the warning dialog has hyperlinks to the Eclipse documentation about command line arguments and to the "Installed JREs" preferences, so you can easily fix the wrong Java VM.
That said I cannot speak for or against IAM, as I never used it due to the good m2eclipse experience.