



I'm using Rack to try to implement "Remember Me" functionality in my Sinatra app.

I'm able to set the session cookie to expire when the session ends or in X seconds time but I'd like to do both.

For example, if a user has clicked "remember me" then I wish for their session to end after X seconds. Eg, my app.rb has a line that looks like this:

use Rack::Session::Cookie, :expire_after => 2592000, #30 days in seconds
                           :secret => MY_SECRET

I've tried to do the following when the user logs in:

if (!remember_me)
  env['rack.session.options'][:expire_after] = nil

However, this does not set the cookie value.

Does anyone know how to set this?

Thanks in advance.


This probably has to be done before the session is loaded.

See Rack::Session::Cookie#load_session and Rack::Session::Cookie#commit_session

Rishav Rastogi